Title Author Publication

Race Against Time: Afrofuturism and Our Liberated Housing Futures

Rasheedah Phillips 2022

Recontextualizing Responsibility for Justice: The lynching trope, racialized temporalities, and cultivating breathable futures

Matthew Houdek 2021

Saving the Daylight

David Prerau

Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-Making in Nineteenth-Century America

Saidiya Hartman 1997

Smoke, Curtains, and Mirrors: The Production of Race through Time and Title Registration

Sarah Keenan 2017

The Bottom: The Emergence and Erasure of Black American Urban Landscapes

Ujijji Davis-Williams

The Chronopolitics of Racial Time-Charles W. Mills

The Invention of Railroad Time

Ian R. Bartky 1983

The Study of Time: Proceedings of the First Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Oberwolfach

The Time of Law

Renisa Mawani

The Time of Law by Renisa Mawani

Renisa Mawani

Time and Law: International Perspectives on and Old Problem

Rosalyn Higgins 1997

Time and Space in Criminal Law by Lindsay Farmer

Lindsay Farmer

Time Lord: Sir Sanford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time by Clark Blaise

Time-reckoning for the Twentieth Century

Sir Sanford Fleming 1886

Time, Temporality, and Legal Judgment by Tanzil Chowdhury

Time, Temporality, and Timescapes in Administrative Law

Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism

E.P. Thompson 1967

TimeWatch: The Social Analysis of Time

Barbara Adam 1995

Toward a Black Feminist Poethics: The Quest(ion) of Blackness Toward the End of the World

Denise Ferreira Da Silva 2014

What Shall Be the Prime Meridian for the World?: International Institute for Preserving and Perfecting Weights and Measures by Committee on Standard Time (1884)

Why North is Up: Map Conventions and Where They Come From by Mick Ashworth

Writing Quantum Entanglement into International Relations: Temporality, Positionality, and the Ontology of War

Chris McIntosh 2020