Title Author Publication

The Paradox of Physics

The Quantum Structure of Space and Time

The Quest for Longitude: The Proceedings of the Longitude Symposium by William J. H. Andrewes

The Study of Time: Proceedings of the First Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Oberwolfach

The Test of Time: A History of Clock Drawing

Elias Hazan, Frances Frankenburg, Megan Brenkel, Kenneth Shulman 2017


Barbara Adam

Time Against Time: Normative Temporalities and the Failure of Community Labour in Local Exchange Trading Schemes

Davina Cooper

Time and Navigation: The Untold Story of Getting from Here to There by Andrew K. Johnston, Roger D. Connor, Carlene E. Stephens, and Paul E. Ceruzzi

Time and Space in Criminal Law by Lindsay Farmer

Lindsay Farmer

Time for Mapping: Cartographic Temporalities

edited by Sybille Lames, Chris Perkins et. al

Time from Quantum Entanglement: An Experimental Illustration by Ekaterina Moreval

Ekaterina Moreval

Time from Quantum Entanglement: An Experimental Illustration by Ekaterina Moreval

Ekaterina Moreva1

Time in Quantum Gravity: An Hypothesis

Carlo Rovelli 1991

Time in Quantum Gravity: An Hypothesis, Physics. Rev. D 43, 442 by Carlo Rovelli

Carlo Rovelli 1991

Time Lord: Sir Sanford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time by Clark Blaise

Time Measurement and New Theories in a Clepsydra-Driven World

Time Wars by Jeremy Rifkin

Time-Space Compression: Historical Geographies by Barney Warf

Time, Capitalism, and Alienation: A Socio-Historical Inquiry Into the Making of Modern Time by Jonathan Martineau

Time, Duration and Change in Contemporary Art: Beyond the Clock – Kate Bretkelly-Chalmers