Title Author Publication

The Anthropology of Time: Cultural Constructions of temporal maps and images

Alfred Gell

The Cosmic Time of Empire: Modern Britain and World Literature

Adam Barrows

The Culture of Time & Space, 1880-1918 by Stephen Kern

The Illustrated Longitude

Dava Sobel

The Invention of Railroad Time

Ian R. Bartky 1983

The Invention of Time and Space: Origins, Definitions, Nature, Properties by Patrice F. Dassonville

The Test of Time: A History of Clock Drawing

Elias Hazan, Frances Frankenburg, Megan Brenkel, Kenneth Shulman 2017

Time, Capitalism, and Alienation: A Socio-Historical Inquiry Into the Making of Modern Time by Jonathan Martineau

Time, Duration and Change in Contemporary Art: Beyond the Clock – Kate Bretkelly-Chalmers

Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism

E.P. Thompson 1967